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Artist Statement









"Fabric has always felt more intimate than other artistic mediums. It recalls treasured memories of my childhood...the flannel of a favorite pair of footed pajamas...the satin of my prom gown...the cotton summer sheets hung over tables to create my clubhouse forts. As I enter my studio, I return to my mother's scap pile of unlimited possibilities."


Francine combines various sewing techniques with the formal mediums of painting and printmaking. Collages of fabric are manipulated like the colors of paint on a palette. She explores the impact of the combined media variations to create works of art that are intimate and enduring. Francine's commanding manipulation of the techniques enhance and balance each other, resulting in a cohesive blend of creativity on canvas. Tradition and innovation merge within her ideas.


Francine uses these skills to express the observed experience of humanity, particularly relationships with self and others, which is the basis of her subject matter. 


My potential is not reflected in past accomplishments.

It stretches the length of GOD's arms

And I reach to match it.

~Francine Stowe-Sinkler, Textile Artist

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